Online Investment Alert Do not press on this link know the Safety tips here

Online Investment Alert Do not press on this link know the Safety tips here

Share Market Investment: Investing money in the stock market has become a common thing. These days a lot of money is being invested in the New York Stock Exchange and money is also being earned. However, some things should be kept in mind while investing money. This is because fake apps and websites of the New York Stock Exchange are available, which can cause huge losses to customers.

According to a report in Times of India, recently a 41-year-old businessman from Nagpur has been badly trapped by a fake online trading app. He was duped of Rs 87 lakhs by a fake website in the name of investing in New York Stock Exchange. He was told about a profit of Rs 8 crores with 10 times return.

Do not click on any link

According to the victim, he got the link for investment from the social media platform Facebook, after which he thought of investing money. The portal from which the money was invested is In such a situation, do not click on any link.

According to reports, the victim was first given a login ID for trading. After this, he started trading with Rs 50 thousand and in 10 minutes he made a profit of Rs 1.42 lakh and this money was also sent to him. After this, the victim invested Rs 30 lakh but this time all his money was looted.

How can you keep yourself safe?

1. Check the trading platform before investing in any stock exchange
2. Invest money in the portal and company only after thorough checking
3. Check the details of the official website of the trading app first
4. Do not trust offers with high interest rates quickly
5. Always ensure that the website starts with HTTPS.
5. Always be cautious while making payments.

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